Rent a Ring

Any NDTC club member may reserve a ring or rings for a reasonable amount of time. Payment is due at time of use. Put the money in an envelope, label it, and deposit into the front desk slot. Fees are:

  • Members-$10 per ring per hour 

  • Instructors-$5 per ring per hour

  • Private Lessons-$10 per ring per hour (no discounts apply)

  • Board members, Trial Chairs, and Lifetime members-no charge

Classes, seminars, fun matches and other club events will take precedence over individuals in reserving rings.

Where possible, rings are available for reservation up to 30 minutes before classes start in that ring, and immediately after classes are finished.

If possible, during the 30 minutes before class, the ring is open for use by any instructor or assistant that is teaching that same night. Instructors/assistants may use this time to train their own dogs or set up for their class. If no instructor/assistant is using the ring, then members may use the ring, until/unless an instructor/assistant needs the ring.