

The agility path is full of fun and challenging classes that help you and your dog compete in the ring! This path is great for helping dogs and their owners grow their confidence, dependability, and bond. All NDTC classes require proof of current rabies vaccination for dogs age six months or older.


Beginner Agility (Agility Level 1)

Dogs must be at least 1-year-old, have earned the Canine Good Citizen title (or have the equivalent obedience level 2 skills), be controllable wearing a flat buckle collar (prong collars, choke chains, and martingales are not allowed), and be non-aggressive to other dogs and to people. In addition, dogs MUST be able to work off-leash in a highly distracting and noisy environment in which other dogs are also working off-leash at the same time. Agility is an off-leash sport! If your dog cannot be trusted to work with you off leash, your dog is not ready for this class. Your dog might instead enjoy one of the many other classes offered by NDTC.

Dogs will be introduced to all the agility equipment except the weave poles and will learn to safely perform all the obstacles except the weaves and teeter. Students will also learn some beginning handling skills, which will allow them to direct their dogs through a sequence of obstacles, culminating with a short course on the last day of the session.


Advanced Beginner Agility (Agility Level 2)

Dogs must be at least 1 year old. Dogs should have completed Beginning Agility.

Handlers and dogs will continue practicing obstacles learned in Beginner Agility class but the focus will alternate each week between weave poles and teeter to proficiency.

We will also work on body awareness, stretching (both handler and dog). Core strength, and balance, and communication between the handler and dog.


Intermediate Agility (Agility Level 3)

Dogs must be over 1 year old. Handler/dog teams are ready to enroll in this class when:

  1. The dog can safely execute all obstacles off leash (except the teeter and weaves).

  2. The dog is able to work off leash in a noisy and distracting environment in which another dog is also working off leash in the vicinity and a conformation class is going on in the adjacent ring.

Agility skills are worked in depth to improve competence and confidence.

Students will work intensively on the teeter and weaves so that dogs understand what is required for performing those obstacles.

Students will be introduced to key handling techniques and will practice them on short sequences of obstacles: front cross, rear cross, blind cross, serpentine, pinwheel, send to tunnel.

Students will be given opportunities to practice their defined contact behavior (2O/2O, running) on the dogwalk and A-frame.

Wing jumps will be the primary type of jump used in sequences to encourage students to start handling with some lateral distance.

“Special” jumps will be included in sequences to familiarize dogs with those obstacles: double, triple, panel, broad jump


Advanced Agility (Agility Level 4)

Dogs must be at least 1 year old. Advanced class is for students that have completed Beginner and Intermediate agility class.

Teams need to be able to:

Demonstrate efficiency on all pieces of Agility Equipment.

Complete 6 and 12 weave poles.

Demonstrate a front cross, rear cross and a blind cross (team)

Teams will learn:

  • How to walk a course, memorize the course and then run the course with your dog.

  • Understand basic agility terms

  • Understand the rules and regulations of agility

  • Plan the best route for you and your dog to be able to complete the course or section of the course in the most efficient way for your team.

  • Have fun and motivate your dog’s interest and build drive.

  • Beginning distance work

  • Warm-up, stretch and cool-down your dog, also yourself — if needed.

  • Resolve problems that you may run into – all teams will have problems.

  • Good sportsmanship, agility etiquette and to not take yourself so seriously.


Foundations Agility for the New Agility Handler

Prerequisites: This class is open to dogs 6 months of age or older who have completed at least one other class (Beginner Obedience Skills – Obedience Level 1 or CGC is recommended.)

We will focus on building a solid foundation in agility, learning agility terminology, and working on footwork and body awareness in you and your dog. This class is targeted for handlers new to agility, whether you want to have fun with your dog or compete in the future. We will introduce skills for contact equipment, work on jump commitment, gain confidence on the table and tire, and discuss how these skills will translate as you progress through agility. Agility is an off-leash sport and your dog will be off-leash for short periods during this class. This class will prepare you for Beginner Agility. 

Build / Perfect Master Agility Skills


Proficiency at all agility obstacles (including weaves). Proficiency at all contact obstacle end behaviors. Proficiency at sequencing 12-14 obstacles.


This class will help you build and perfect the skills you and your dog need to run master-level agility courses with confidence. Skills will include, for example, handling serpentines, obstacle discriminations (A-frame/tunnel, jump/tunnel, etc.), obstacles at a distance, go lines. The focus will be on different ways of handling sequences that require these skills. 


Foundations / Beginning Agility


This class is open to dogs 6 months of age or older.


Mastering seemingly small skills can have huge impact on our progress in agility. For example, the dog that understands stopping in 2on2off, even though the handler runs 30 feet away, will eventually have a flawless, independent Dog Walk performance. Likewise, the dog that understands how to bend over a jump, will be able to turn tight, and understand when to offer “bend” versus “extend”. The dog that understands there are two ends of the tunnel but only one is “correct”, will be able to perform a tunnel threadle at speed.  This course will introduce, or for some dogs review, the underlying skills and concepts for strong, independent agility performance. Beginning dogs will acquire a foundation, and more advanced dogs will sharpen their performance. This class is appropriate for all levels but will likely appeal to students with enough background in agility to see the value of building from the ground up. This class is appropriate for all levels but targets experienced agility handlers.

Advanced Agility Skills & Drills - from the “Meat & Potato Basics” to International Challenges


Understanding/skill with the “meat & potato basics” (which we can always refine, and we often overlook as we advance), sequencing at least 12 obstacles and a desire to improve! Recommended for students at AKC Open to Masters+ level or who have been training on Excellent/Masters level courses.


This class will help you perfect your skills, learn new ones, and understand when to choose one handling method over another. To determine the content of the course, a survey of student interest will be sent out prior to the start date. Based on this information along with any skills that arise in class, the course content will be determined. Possible topics are crosses (fronts, rears, blinds), wraps, threadles- slice, wrap or to a tunnel, serps, backsides, complicated tunnel entries & exits, determining the best line & handling for your dog, etc.…. Each skill will be presented and practiced first on 1-3 jumps and then in short but challenging sequences which incorporate the skills we are practicing.